However Isobel has been nattering at me to join in again so I got my (very late) finger out and booked to co on the Christmas walk. Last Friday I almost wished I hadn't as it was snowing and sleeting and hailing all day and Saturday it rained, a lot!
Sunday morning I had got everything sorted and off we went. There were several people who got on the coach in Bradford and we were warmly welcomed back after an absence of err 11 months!
Isobel decided she was going to do the A walk which was about 10 miles but I wasn't confident about walking so far at the moment so opted for the B walk of 6 miles especially as when we pulled into Giggleswick Station car park it was raining cats and dogs. The A walk set off from there and we were dropped in Settle car park. It was still precipitating it down when we set off and boy was it wet and muddy underfoot!
When we got to the weir we were amazed at the amount of water coming over it and the force of it. I was glad I was NOT canoeing over that one.
The river coming down from the top of the picture is normally just a small beck.
The walk was pleasant but uneventful. I got to talk to lots of different people about lots of different things. I caught up with peoples lives in the last year and as we plodded back to Settle I was glad we had done the walk.
I got changed at the side of the coach as I am not shy that way! We then went to the Falcon Crest Hotel to start the festivities. We usually have a meal and a dance but this year was a new venue and we didn't have dancing facilities. Oh well never mind.
The meal was nothing special but nothing awful either. The we had a multiple faceted quiz. This descended into much chaos as we were supposed to swap the picture quiz with a neighbouring table and we ended up with it going all wrong! One of the tables didn't swap correctly. What a scream. Then we ran out of time as the coach driver had to be back for a certain time.
Oh well in terms of exercise I walked 6 miles so it's all good. We booked to go on the January walk. No idea where we are going but who cares.