Thursday 31st May
Last night I got a text from a team-mate Helen who said she wanted to get out on a little training ride. Nothing too taxing but we were going to meet on the Spen Valley Greenway. She was going to take the car about 2.5 miles down to the Tesco Supermarket car park.
I set off from home and rode to the Greenway. I had been feeling there was something wrong with the bike but no-one could spot the problem. As I was sailing down the long hill towards the Greenway it felt like I was riding on cobbles.
Anyway, got on the Greenway and pedalled down to Cleckheaton to meet Helen as the sky was looking very threatening and I wondered if this had been sensible! Thankfully I had my waterproof on so wasn't too worried.
Helen was nearly ready when I got there and off we went. It was drizzling a little bit but never mind. We headed up the Greenway first to the top, turned around and were soon at the bottom end of the Greenway and decided to be civilised and go and have a coffee somewhere.
Coming off the Greenway we were a bit further down than I thought we were but as luck would have it there was a cafe. A nice cup of coffee for me and a coffee and toasted teacake for Helen and we were about to set off when I realised how wet and mucky I was! The seat, thankfully, was wipe clean so I warned the cafe staff that they would need to wipe it down.
Anyway back on the Greenway and we were chatting and pedalling at a good speed but I couldn't get out of my mind the wobble on the bike. We were soon back at Cleckheaton where Helen bade me farewell and I carried on up a bit further. By this time the rain had been coming down a fair bit so I was feeling a bit soggy.
Hunsworth Lane is a long road, sometimes a bit steep but finishes right in the heart of my village so I set off with determination up it. This is nothing for those riders who fly up hills at 20 miles an hour but I HATE hills. I have now decided to see them as a challenge rather than a hindrance.
I was chuffed to bits to make it up without getting off (although some Octagenarian with a zimmer frame could have walked past me at times as I was going so slow). Twenty four miles done and dusted. When I got home I realised how wet I actually was.
I rang the bike shop who told me to go straight down (Firth Cycles at Queensbury, Bradford) even though they were very busy Barry didn't want to leave me in the lurch knowing I was doing the Germany ride very soon. Turns out there was two wheel tapes in my front wheel and one had slipped and so the tyre wasn't properly in the rim. Also the back brake block had been chafing my back tyre so I needed a new one. All done and sorted. BARRY, YOU ARE A STAR!
Tuesday 6th June Jubilee Day
I got up at 6am and went out for a walk with the dogs. Half way round the walk I looked at my watch and was amazed to see it was only 5.35am!!! WHAT!
Home again I got my breakfast and we went to a car boot sale. Didn't buy much but it was a pleasant morning out anyway.
After lunch I nearly talked myself out of a bike ride but decided to go for it. I set off to do the same ride as last Thursday just to keep my legs turning.
Whenever I have done the Greenway I have usually struggled to keep up the momentum on the return journey so my aim today was not to drop below 10 mph apart from any obstacles (gates, dogs, people). Charging off at a good pace I kept a check on the speed and even up the little hills I actually managed to not drop below 12 mph! Very well pleased with myself.
Once I got to the top I turned round and went back down to where I had dropped off last time and then faced Hunsworth Lane again. Even that didn't daunt me today.
I arrived home dripping in sweat but so pleased with my endeavours today.
If anyone would like to sponsor me the money is going to a local charity called Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure You can go to and give via the page or by text. Thank you so much. Any money is much appreciated.
I am no natural athlete and I am size 16 and 57 years old. In 2018 I did my first cycle Sportive and then did another and another. I'm still not good at anything but I am still trying.
Friday, 8 June 2012
Sunday, 3 June 2012
A Local Walk
Friday morning dawned warm and clear. I was out of bed at stupid o'clock and out walking with the dogs by 6.30am.
I thought I would take you on a little tour of my walk.
First I went down through the village past the village green:
The Millenium Sign post
The entire Green
The Stocks
Then I went down a little footpath that comes out into a big field:
Over a stile and down what was an old railway line for the mines. You can just see the dogs in the field on the left:
A feather I found on the path. I thought it looked good against the fencepost
Then cross the road and down another footpath/farmtrack where there were hundreds of bunnies and Bear and Evie went off on a chase (with no chance of catching them I might add):
The track bends to the left and then we are in another big field. Sometimes there are cows or sheep in here so I am always wary with the dogs here but at the moment it is a grass meadow and the grass is about 18 inches high. The dogs went off chasing rabbits again:
Yes that is the footpath ahead of me
That's Bear among the grass and he is a German Shepherd cross!
Can you spot Evie? Top left hand side. She was bounding through the grass like a kangaroo as she is only small.
Over a stream and into another field. At least the footpath is a little clearer here. This photo isn't as sharp, as I was shooting into the sunlight.
At the other side of this field there is a track that goes between some trees and bushes and over a little stream. Then the next field climbs fairly steeply uphill.
Looking back over some of the fields I have crossed. This is the field where we go sledging when there is enough snow to do so.
Bear trotting up the track
No it's not a tombstone in the middle of nowhere. It is a lone gatepost. I would love to to know why or how it comes to be alone in the middle of a field:
Leaving the field I walked up an unmade road known as Furnace Road, past some stables and up to a main road. This looks like a path straight to the house but it is on the other side of the road.
Now a bit of road walking, then through a housing estate, up a steep little hill and through a 'snicket' and I was on the path between the two moors near home. There was a lilac tree in full blossom which smelled divine in the early morning warmth.
I headed back towards and up the top moor as that takes me home:
Comfrey in abundance at the gateway to the moor
I thought I would take you on a little tour of my walk.
First I went down through the village past the village green:
The Millenium Sign post
The entire Green
The Stocks
Then I went down a little footpath that comes out into a big field:
Over a stile and down what was an old railway line for the mines. You can just see the dogs in the field on the left:
A feather I found on the path. I thought it looked good against the fencepost
Then cross the road and down another footpath/farmtrack where there were hundreds of bunnies and Bear and Evie went off on a chase (with no chance of catching them I might add):
The track bends to the left and then we are in another big field. Sometimes there are cows or sheep in here so I am always wary with the dogs here but at the moment it is a grass meadow and the grass is about 18 inches high. The dogs went off chasing rabbits again:
Yes that is the footpath ahead of me
That's Bear among the grass and he is a German Shepherd cross!
Can you spot Evie? Top left hand side. She was bounding through the grass like a kangaroo as she is only small.
Over a stream and into another field. At least the footpath is a little clearer here. This photo isn't as sharp, as I was shooting into the sunlight.
At the other side of this field there is a track that goes between some trees and bushes and over a little stream. Then the next field climbs fairly steeply uphill.
Looking back over some of the fields I have crossed. This is the field where we go sledging when there is enough snow to do so.
Bear trotting up the track
No it's not a tombstone in the middle of nowhere. It is a lone gatepost. I would love to to know why or how it comes to be alone in the middle of a field:
Leaving the field I walked up an unmade road known as Furnace Road, past some stables and up to a main road. This looks like a path straight to the house but it is on the other side of the road.
Now a bit of road walking, then through a housing estate, up a steep little hill and through a 'snicket' and I was on the path between the two moors near home. There was a lilac tree in full blossom which smelled divine in the early morning warmth.
I headed back towards and up the top moor as that takes me home:
Comfrey in abundance at the gateway to the moor
Friday, 25 May 2012
A Hot Day of Activity
I was up and about early so I thought I would take the dogs out early before it got too warm.
6.45am I was out of the door. We went across to the moorland that is diagonally opposite our house. I didn't need a jacket as it was already warm enough for just a t-shirt (when I say JUST a t-shirt, I mean on the top half of course). We did a route from there that we often do. Down the moor, on a little road and down the other moor. Cross the road and down a track at the side of the farm where we get our eggs.
It's lovely farm, country round this bit until we get to another track. This could be lovely too but the owner leaves the gate at the far end open and it is used as a fly tip. What a mess!
Anyway back to a fair bit of road walking and back into Birkenshaw village. The dogs know where to cross as much as I do so Bear is very quickly showing me the way. We go back through the churchyard where 'my' grandma and grandad's ashes are buried. I say 'my' as they were no relation except by marriage, they were my ex husband's grandparents but even after we divorced they insisted that I should not stop visiting and they always treated me as a grand-daughter and I was more of a grand-daughter to them than my ex's family were.
Then up the main road, winding our way through an estate and we arrive back at the road between the two moors. It was a pleasure to be out so early and it be so warm. An hours walk done before breakfast.
After breakfast I got into my cycling gear. I was meeting Ady and Helen at 10am. I was to decide on the route we were taking today. So I suggested we do part of the route to Hull that we will be taking on the actual ride.
All in agreement and off we went. A lot of the first part is on quite busy roads but eventually we turned off down a big hill. Wheeeeeeeee! Not looking forward to the return journey up there though. We go through lots of different scenarios from here, fairly built up, suburban, urban, farmland. The smells are wonderful today, Rape flowers and May flowers being the main ones.
Eventually we hit Castleford but we go a little further and there is Junction 32. It is a big outlet centre but not an indoor one. When you are out of the shops you are outdoors. We walked round to Thorntons chocolate shop and cafe and chain the bikes together within sight. Helen got us a table and then moved two tables back into the shade.
When we came to sit down Helen realised that she had put her money down on the original table in a little plastic bag. It was nowhere to be seen. Nobody had sat there but the bag had gone. We still got fed and watered. We chatted for a while and then set off back.
Ady said he knew a different way back to the original route that would cut off a mile or two so we let him lead. After a couple of miles he asked if I knew where we were. I didn't and nor did Helen or I. So we cycled on. I noted that the road was heading towards Wakefield so if nothing else I knew my way back from there. We asked someone who confirmed Wakefield was straight on.
So we carried on until we got to a t-junction and suddenly I knew exactly where I was. We worked our way through the maelstrom of traffic in the city centre and found that several times at lights we were next to a white Range Rover. We all thought this was quite funny. The driver and passenger were joining in our laughter too.
After leaving the town centre we joined a long straight A road. Not horrible but constantly uphill for several miles. We chugged on until we came round a roundabout. I knew that the road after the roundabout doesn't look like a nasty hill but it is very sneaky and when I first started riding this a few years ago I had to stop twice on this bit.
Helen and I got up it but then a van started hooting and I heard Ady shouting (he is re-knowned for this so I didn't take much notice). When I looked back I couldn't see him so shouted to Helen that he was 'off the back'. We stopped and waited. He eventually caught us up but had fallen off and that's why the van was hooting.
A drink, a breather and we were off again. This was probably one of the harder bits as we were tiring and it was hot. Another long straight slightly uphill road, Drighlington by-pass and we arrived at a Shell Garage where Helen and Ady bought drinks (I was nearly home and my Camelbak had sufficed) and then we did the hill back to where I dropped out and went home.
45 miles done and dusted.
A few hours rest from exercise and then I was off to aquarunning. Amy, our instructor, was on a mission tonight. It was like a bootcamp in water. That's how I like it though, no point in paying to just have a wash after all.
6.45am I was out of the door. We went across to the moorland that is diagonally opposite our house. I didn't need a jacket as it was already warm enough for just a t-shirt (when I say JUST a t-shirt, I mean on the top half of course). We did a route from there that we often do. Down the moor, on a little road and down the other moor. Cross the road and down a track at the side of the farm where we get our eggs.
It's lovely farm, country round this bit until we get to another track. This could be lovely too but the owner leaves the gate at the far end open and it is used as a fly tip. What a mess!
Anyway back to a fair bit of road walking and back into Birkenshaw village. The dogs know where to cross as much as I do so Bear is very quickly showing me the way. We go back through the churchyard where 'my' grandma and grandad's ashes are buried. I say 'my' as they were no relation except by marriage, they were my ex husband's grandparents but even after we divorced they insisted that I should not stop visiting and they always treated me as a grand-daughter and I was more of a grand-daughter to them than my ex's family were.
Then up the main road, winding our way through an estate and we arrive back at the road between the two moors. It was a pleasure to be out so early and it be so warm. An hours walk done before breakfast.
After breakfast I got into my cycling gear. I was meeting Ady and Helen at 10am. I was to decide on the route we were taking today. So I suggested we do part of the route to Hull that we will be taking on the actual ride.
All in agreement and off we went. A lot of the first part is on quite busy roads but eventually we turned off down a big hill. Wheeeeeeeee! Not looking forward to the return journey up there though. We go through lots of different scenarios from here, fairly built up, suburban, urban, farmland. The smells are wonderful today, Rape flowers and May flowers being the main ones.
Eventually we hit Castleford but we go a little further and there is Junction 32. It is a big outlet centre but not an indoor one. When you are out of the shops you are outdoors. We walked round to Thorntons chocolate shop and cafe and chain the bikes together within sight. Helen got us a table and then moved two tables back into the shade.
When we came to sit down Helen realised that she had put her money down on the original table in a little plastic bag. It was nowhere to be seen. Nobody had sat there but the bag had gone. We still got fed and watered. We chatted for a while and then set off back.
Ady said he knew a different way back to the original route that would cut off a mile or two so we let him lead. After a couple of miles he asked if I knew where we were. I didn't and nor did Helen or I. So we cycled on. I noted that the road was heading towards Wakefield so if nothing else I knew my way back from there. We asked someone who confirmed Wakefield was straight on.
So we carried on until we got to a t-junction and suddenly I knew exactly where I was. We worked our way through the maelstrom of traffic in the city centre and found that several times at lights we were next to a white Range Rover. We all thought this was quite funny. The driver and passenger were joining in our laughter too.
After leaving the town centre we joined a long straight A road. Not horrible but constantly uphill for several miles. We chugged on until we came round a roundabout. I knew that the road after the roundabout doesn't look like a nasty hill but it is very sneaky and when I first started riding this a few years ago I had to stop twice on this bit.
Helen and I got up it but then a van started hooting and I heard Ady shouting (he is re-knowned for this so I didn't take much notice). When I looked back I couldn't see him so shouted to Helen that he was 'off the back'. We stopped and waited. He eventually caught us up but had fallen off and that's why the van was hooting.
A drink, a breather and we were off again. This was probably one of the harder bits as we were tiring and it was hot. Another long straight slightly uphill road, Drighlington by-pass and we arrived at a Shell Garage where Helen and Ady bought drinks (I was nearly home and my Camelbak had sufficed) and then we did the hill back to where I dropped out and went home.
45 miles done and dusted.
A few hours rest from exercise and then I was off to aquarunning. Amy, our instructor, was on a mission tonight. It was like a bootcamp in water. That's how I like it though, no point in paying to just have a wash after all.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Walking - A Little Hill
Well just for a change I wasn't cycling. I was out walking with the Ramblers. We were on a coach ramble. The coach takes us a little further away than normal and today's treat was Pen-Y-Ghent - one of the Three Peaks of Yorkshire.
The Three Peaks of Yorkshire is a challenge event where you have to complete all three hills, and the walk between them, in less than 12 hours. The total mileage is around 24.5 miles. I've never done it but my partner, Peter has on several occasions.
Anyway, today was one little peak of 691 metres. It was a 9 mile walk in all.
The weather was a little overcast but reasonably mild as we set off from Horton-in-Ribblesdale. We got going as a group. Through a churchyard and along a lane and then passed through a gate that had the marker on that told us it was 1.5 miles to the peak.
As we started the ascent Isobel and I took it steady but soon found we were getting quite a way ahead of everyone else.
As we got higher up Isobel started slowing a bit but I plodded on at no particular speed. I waited every so often and another lady caught me up. We chatted as we went up. Then the next time we waited her friend caught us up. I could still see Isobel who was way ahead of the main group but now a fair distance from us. I kept checking she was okay.
At about this time a man passed me wearing shorts. As he passed he nodded and said hello and I said 'I know you. You're Councillor Kris whatsit' He smiled and said he used to be. Bummer forgot he probably wasn't a councillor anymore. He didn't stop.
Then we got to the steep climb. This is where I started to slow a bit and a man from our group caught up. So the two ladies and this man, Steve were now ahead of me. I kept waving to Isobel and encouraging her on. In my mind there was a steep climb and then a slope to the top but my mind had obviously played tricks on me. There was a steep climb, a path and then another steep climb. By this time the sweat was pouring into my eyes.
After the last climb there was then an uphill path that felt more like it was flat and there, at last, was the trig point. Isobel was the fifth of our group to arrive at the top and we just waited for the rest while we had our lunch. I was proud of her for doing it especially without any audible complaints.
The view was pretty good but slightly cloudy.
When we had all rested and eaten we set off on the downward route. This was further over to the upward one. We chatted on the way down with various people and when we were on the flat again I looked back at the peak we had just climbed with a sense of satisfaction.
We got back to the coach and got changed. Then did a bit more walking back into the village for a nice cuppa and Isobel had a milkshake. A few of the Ramblers were in there so we had a chat with Mr Dawson, who we also know from canoeing.
The coach came into the village to pick us all up and we ended the day with a carvery meal at The Craven Heifer near Skipton.
The Three Peaks of Yorkshire is a challenge event where you have to complete all three hills, and the walk between them, in less than 12 hours. The total mileage is around 24.5 miles. I've never done it but my partner, Peter has on several occasions.
Anyway, today was one little peak of 691 metres. It was a 9 mile walk in all.
The weather was a little overcast but reasonably mild as we set off from Horton-in-Ribblesdale. We got going as a group. Through a churchyard and along a lane and then passed through a gate that had the marker on that told us it was 1.5 miles to the peak.
As we started the ascent Isobel and I took it steady but soon found we were getting quite a way ahead of everyone else.
As we got higher up Isobel started slowing a bit but I plodded on at no particular speed. I waited every so often and another lady caught me up. We chatted as we went up. Then the next time we waited her friend caught us up. I could still see Isobel who was way ahead of the main group but now a fair distance from us. I kept checking she was okay.
At about this time a man passed me wearing shorts. As he passed he nodded and said hello and I said 'I know you. You're Councillor Kris whatsit' He smiled and said he used to be. Bummer forgot he probably wasn't a councillor anymore. He didn't stop.
Then we got to the steep climb. This is where I started to slow a bit and a man from our group caught up. So the two ladies and this man, Steve were now ahead of me. I kept waving to Isobel and encouraging her on. In my mind there was a steep climb and then a slope to the top but my mind had obviously played tricks on me. There was a steep climb, a path and then another steep climb. By this time the sweat was pouring into my eyes.
After the last climb there was then an uphill path that felt more like it was flat and there, at last, was the trig point. Isobel was the fifth of our group to arrive at the top and we just waited for the rest while we had our lunch. I was proud of her for doing it especially without any audible complaints.
The view was pretty good but slightly cloudy.
When we had all rested and eaten we set off on the downward route. This was further over to the upward one. We chatted on the way down with various people and when we were on the flat again I looked back at the peak we had just climbed with a sense of satisfaction.
We got back to the coach and got changed. Then did a bit more walking back into the village for a nice cuppa and Isobel had a milkshake. A few of the Ramblers were in there so we had a chat with Mr Dawson, who we also know from canoeing.
The coach came into the village to pick us all up and we ended the day with a carvery meal at The Craven Heifer near Skipton.
Friday, 18 May 2012
A Little Ride Alone.
Feeling very positive today, Wednesday 16th May, so decided I was off for a bike ride on my own. Several people have said they would meet up with me in the past but with one thing and another it has never happened and I have often talked myself out of going out but I don't know why!!!
Anyway that nearly happened again today. Eventually though I left home at 11.30 am and headed towards Queensbury. This is an area of Bradford that borders Halifax and is the highest point in Bradford. Therefore, as you can imagine, it is somewhat uphill to the village. After much huffing and puffing I eventually got there.
When you think that you are finally on the top of the world, well Queensbury, there is more uphill to come. Straight through at the lights, that's a first, and a little more climb and I was at the top. A little further through the village and the downhill starts a bit but it is open moorland here. Then it's downhill along the road towards Denholme.
Before you get to Denholme though there is a stretch of road that is uphill again. Not horribly uphill but there is a strong headwind and I feel like I am losing the battle up here. At last I get to the lights and another first, straight through these ones too. Then it is a pleasant slightly downhill ride into Denholme village. Not forgetting the sharp turns where various pieces of deceased car lie next to remains of walls. Both villages have some interesting older properties and some great views.
After that is is not too bad going although again there is open moorland and headwinds to try and put me off. I might be slow but I am determined! I pass the Flappits, rocky moorland where there was a lot of motorcycle off roading activity for over 50 years but the council have closed it recently due to 'Health and Safety' As I'm heading down here at speed my phone starts ringing. No way can I or will I answer that now!
Now there is a long, downhill stretch that is quite busy and heads into Keighley. Wheeeeeeee!
Arriving in Keighley my first thought had been to head back from there but I was enjoying myself enough to carry on a bit more so I headed for Utley and Eastburn. This is the old road to Skipton before the bypass was built. You see so much more on a bike than you ever do in a car. There are old properties that are converted into care homes, big old manor type houses and you can only imagine what they were like in their hay day.
Arriving in Eastburn the railway crossing barriers were down and we had to wait for two trains in opposite directions passed through. An Asda lorry was very impatient with me when the barriers lifted as the lane was too narrow for him to pass me so he tried to harrass me by revving loudly right behind me. Eventually I escaped him and was on the bypass back towards home.
The bypass provides a fast route back into Keighley and I then leave it to go to a lovely little sandwich shop in Riddlesden. The owner remembers me from the last time I went in and she remembers that I am doing a charity ride to Germany and back.
Having eaten I set off again and decide to get on the canal towpath. I felt happy and at home on here as I have done this many times. Originally I was going to leave it in Shipley town centre but decide to leave it at Saltaire to see if the climb is a little less traumatic than out of Shipley. It certainly has fewer people around to see me climbing, red-faced, up the hill. I come out at a very busy, notorious roundabout.
I waited my turn and made sure it was safe for me to go. Then an idiotic driver of a flat bed van (Bingley Fencing)looked me straight in the eye and pulled out right in front of me and stopped! I braked hard and didn't have a problem stopping but that was no thanks to him.
Straight back into Bradford after that and through the city centre and my last long climb up Manchester Road, not steep but a fair distance. A quick drink at the top and I was on the last leg home.
Forty one and a quarter miles precisely.
Anyway that nearly happened again today. Eventually though I left home at 11.30 am and headed towards Queensbury. This is an area of Bradford that borders Halifax and is the highest point in Bradford. Therefore, as you can imagine, it is somewhat uphill to the village. After much huffing and puffing I eventually got there.
When you think that you are finally on the top of the world, well Queensbury, there is more uphill to come. Straight through at the lights, that's a first, and a little more climb and I was at the top. A little further through the village and the downhill starts a bit but it is open moorland here. Then it's downhill along the road towards Denholme.
Before you get to Denholme though there is a stretch of road that is uphill again. Not horribly uphill but there is a strong headwind and I feel like I am losing the battle up here. At last I get to the lights and another first, straight through these ones too. Then it is a pleasant slightly downhill ride into Denholme village. Not forgetting the sharp turns where various pieces of deceased car lie next to remains of walls. Both villages have some interesting older properties and some great views.
After that is is not too bad going although again there is open moorland and headwinds to try and put me off. I might be slow but I am determined! I pass the Flappits, rocky moorland where there was a lot of motorcycle off roading activity for over 50 years but the council have closed it recently due to 'Health and Safety' As I'm heading down here at speed my phone starts ringing. No way can I or will I answer that now!
Now there is a long, downhill stretch that is quite busy and heads into Keighley. Wheeeeeeee!
Arriving in Keighley my first thought had been to head back from there but I was enjoying myself enough to carry on a bit more so I headed for Utley and Eastburn. This is the old road to Skipton before the bypass was built. You see so much more on a bike than you ever do in a car. There are old properties that are converted into care homes, big old manor type houses and you can only imagine what they were like in their hay day.
Arriving in Eastburn the railway crossing barriers were down and we had to wait for two trains in opposite directions passed through. An Asda lorry was very impatient with me when the barriers lifted as the lane was too narrow for him to pass me so he tried to harrass me by revving loudly right behind me. Eventually I escaped him and was on the bypass back towards home.
The bypass provides a fast route back into Keighley and I then leave it to go to a lovely little sandwich shop in Riddlesden. The owner remembers me from the last time I went in and she remembers that I am doing a charity ride to Germany and back.
Having eaten I set off again and decide to get on the canal towpath. I felt happy and at home on here as I have done this many times. Originally I was going to leave it in Shipley town centre but decide to leave it at Saltaire to see if the climb is a little less traumatic than out of Shipley. It certainly has fewer people around to see me climbing, red-faced, up the hill. I come out at a very busy, notorious roundabout.
I waited my turn and made sure it was safe for me to go. Then an idiotic driver of a flat bed van (Bingley Fencing)looked me straight in the eye and pulled out right in front of me and stopped! I braked hard and didn't have a problem stopping but that was no thanks to him.
Straight back into Bradford after that and through the city centre and my last long climb up Manchester Road, not steep but a fair distance. A quick drink at the top and I was on the last leg home.
Forty one and a quarter miles precisely.
Back Along Last Week's Ride
The morning was cool but bright. There was a threat of rain according to the forecast but no sign of it at this time of the day.
Shock and amazement!!! Dean turned up, as planned, at my house. It wasn't his mum's birthday (inside joke) and he had his bike and all necessary items for the day (with the exception of glasses but I leant him a pair). We went and picked up Richard from his house and off we went.
Arriving in Otley, people slowly started turning up and unfolding their cycling life from their cars. What a turn out - 13 of us today. Only two missing, one because she has just had a pot removed from her broken ankle.
Someone decided we were doing the same ride as last week and this didn't displease me. So we set off on the by-pass towards Ilkley. We were avidly practising our shouts to each other and there was a plan in place to make Adrian and myself be just behind Mike, our beloved leader. A bit of psychology there so that we don't get left behind. Having said that we have both come on in leaps and bounds but the Leisure group are a strong set of riders this year.
After crossing the river (via a bridge that is just in case you thought we were intrepid enough to wade across with our bikes held aloft) we carried on along the country lanes that undulate enough to make me puff and pant at times. Then there was a shout 'puncture' Adey had had to stop and change his inner tube so the rest of the group who were further up the hill stopped and had a chat. With us today for the first time were Liz and Adam who are strong riders but hadn't been out training with us before. Liz was trying to remember names.
Anyway puncture repaired and off we went again. Next stop was the fountain feature near Bolton Abbey. Peter (our photographer) wanted us to all pose for a photo there. After various adjustments to clothing (ooo err) photos were taken to Peter's satisfaction.
So we then swooped down to Cavendish Pavilion, crossed the bridge and faced our fears (or mine at least). Having said that I wasn't fearful this week I felt more like it was a challenge. There were several of us who weren't there the week before and didn't have an inkling of the hill to come. Up the first hill, down the first drop and up the second hill or as much as I could manage. I wasn't the only one by any means. When I was nearing the top, pushing my bike, I heard Dean shout from a way back 'Is this the hill you were telling me about?' I confirmed it was and he said 'thank God'
So we eventually arrived in Burnsall and descend upon the kiosk that sells food. We took over a fair section of the seating area and awaited the food, bacon and egg butty for me and a cup of coffee. At this stage there is plenty of banter and joking going.
The time comes for us to set off back again. Peter waits on the bridge to get some shots of us but we decide to have a laugh and take the turning towards Grassington. We only went a little way up and then turn round and come back just as he is about to pack up and follow us. He gets some good shots of us all laughing.
There are some small, fairly steep hills through Appletreewick so the front riders await the rest of us in a layby. As I was just about with them Neil fell off his bike from a standstill! He has done this a few times as he can't get his feet out of the SPD fast enough. He seemed to hit the deck quite hard and was a bit winded. He got up and carried on.
On the way back we got a bit strung out. I was at the head of the main group but Mike and one or two others had disappeared from my view. 'Off the back' came through to me but I had no one to pass it on to. I carried on in the vain hope of finding Mike but Phil pedalled past me and said he would catch them up. Apparently Dean was struggling and getting further behind.
We all re-grouped further along. Then, joy of joys, I got up a hill that had defeated me the previous week. The journey back was pretty uneventful until we got to The Lido in Ilkley. We waited for Adey and Richard as there was no sign of them. As we were chatting I turned round to see Neil fall off his bike again, literally just missing a passing car by a second or so. That was scary! Rich phoned me and said Adey had a puncture again and not to wait any longer so off we went again.
On the by pass I spotted someone in a van with a caravan in the layby. It was only one of our 'Sports' group, Dave Holdsworth, so I waved. I then caught up with Mike who hadn't seen him. Chatting to Mike I kept up the good speed and landed back in Otley at the head of the group for a change. Dave followed us to the car park and we had a chat.
Then Neil told me he had fall number three!!! A crash with Deano. He looked a bit shell shocked by this time. Poor guy, he hadn't had a good day.
Shock and amazement!!! Dean turned up, as planned, at my house. It wasn't his mum's birthday (inside joke) and he had his bike and all necessary items for the day (with the exception of glasses but I leant him a pair). We went and picked up Richard from his house and off we went.
Arriving in Otley, people slowly started turning up and unfolding their cycling life from their cars. What a turn out - 13 of us today. Only two missing, one because she has just had a pot removed from her broken ankle.
Someone decided we were doing the same ride as last week and this didn't displease me. So we set off on the by-pass towards Ilkley. We were avidly practising our shouts to each other and there was a plan in place to make Adrian and myself be just behind Mike, our beloved leader. A bit of psychology there so that we don't get left behind. Having said that we have both come on in leaps and bounds but the Leisure group are a strong set of riders this year.
After crossing the river (via a bridge that is just in case you thought we were intrepid enough to wade across with our bikes held aloft) we carried on along the country lanes that undulate enough to make me puff and pant at times. Then there was a shout 'puncture' Adey had had to stop and change his inner tube so the rest of the group who were further up the hill stopped and had a chat. With us today for the first time were Liz and Adam who are strong riders but hadn't been out training with us before. Liz was trying to remember names.
Anyway puncture repaired and off we went again. Next stop was the fountain feature near Bolton Abbey. Peter (our photographer) wanted us to all pose for a photo there. After various adjustments to clothing (ooo err) photos were taken to Peter's satisfaction.
So we then swooped down to Cavendish Pavilion, crossed the bridge and faced our fears (or mine at least). Having said that I wasn't fearful this week I felt more like it was a challenge. There were several of us who weren't there the week before and didn't have an inkling of the hill to come. Up the first hill, down the first drop and up the second hill or as much as I could manage. I wasn't the only one by any means. When I was nearing the top, pushing my bike, I heard Dean shout from a way back 'Is this the hill you were telling me about?' I confirmed it was and he said 'thank God'
So we eventually arrived in Burnsall and descend upon the kiosk that sells food. We took over a fair section of the seating area and awaited the food, bacon and egg butty for me and a cup of coffee. At this stage there is plenty of banter and joking going.
The time comes for us to set off back again. Peter waits on the bridge to get some shots of us but we decide to have a laugh and take the turning towards Grassington. We only went a little way up and then turn round and come back just as he is about to pack up and follow us. He gets some good shots of us all laughing.
There are some small, fairly steep hills through Appletreewick so the front riders await the rest of us in a layby. As I was just about with them Neil fell off his bike from a standstill! He has done this a few times as he can't get his feet out of the SPD fast enough. He seemed to hit the deck quite hard and was a bit winded. He got up and carried on.
On the way back we got a bit strung out. I was at the head of the main group but Mike and one or two others had disappeared from my view. 'Off the back' came through to me but I had no one to pass it on to. I carried on in the vain hope of finding Mike but Phil pedalled past me and said he would catch them up. Apparently Dean was struggling and getting further behind.
We all re-grouped further along. Then, joy of joys, I got up a hill that had defeated me the previous week. The journey back was pretty uneventful until we got to The Lido in Ilkley. We waited for Adey and Richard as there was no sign of them. As we were chatting I turned round to see Neil fall off his bike again, literally just missing a passing car by a second or so. That was scary! Rich phoned me and said Adey had a puncture again and not to wait any longer so off we went again.
On the by pass I spotted someone in a van with a caravan in the layby. It was only one of our 'Sports' group, Dave Holdsworth, so I waved. I then caught up with Mike who hadn't seen him. Chatting to Mike I kept up the good speed and landed back in Otley at the head of the group for a change. Dave followed us to the car park and we had a chat.
Then Neil told me he had fall number three!!! A crash with Deano. He looked a bit shell shocked by this time. Poor guy, he hadn't had a good day.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
This weekend has seen quite some exercise in one way or another.
Saturday 5th May 2012
Today was Disabled Cycling Club day but instead of the usual messing around the park where we are based. A day was organised a little further afield - down the Spen Valley Greenway.
Bikes were loaded in various vehicles and people too. Isobel and I met them at the top of the Greenway as we don't live too far away. Bikes were allocated and checked and just before we set off Isobel's tyre popped. Richard Taylor was quick to get a new tube in there and pump it up but he then noticed the wheel was badly buckled so we swapped it for the day with the spare one that they had brought up from the container.
All bikes sorted and all people allocated to instructors we set off down the Greenway. I had James who was on a two wheeler with stabilisers and Kirsty who was on a two wheeler. Almost as soon as we had set off Kirsty had a bit of a problem with the bike and while we were sorting that out James shot off with another group so I lost him.
I chatted to Kirsty and we eventually came across Rich and Steve Farleigh trying to repair little Charlie's bike. His pedal had dropped off. I lent them some tools and set off again with Kirsty. Not long after Steve and Charlie caught me up and Steve asked if I could watch Charlie as well Kirsty.
Kirsty has balance problems and last year she was riding a trike, then progressed to a two wheeler with stabilisers and then to a two wheeler without stabilisers. So when she fell off I wasn't really surprised but she picked herself up, dusted herself down and said 'Its alright, I'm a tough cookie'
A bit later she veered into a member of the Skyride who were coming the opposite way. She was very apologetic and said she felt bad but the other person had realised it was an accident. Anyway we carried on and Charlie had a little tumble. He is only seven, doesn't have any problems but was a game little lad.
At the bottom we turned round along with Richard Tearle's group and we headed back. Charlie was beginning to lag a little but kept going. We eventually got back as far as Tesco where we all met up. This is where we all had our lunch. Charlie was going to get on the minibus but I persuaded him to do the rest of the ride.
I was so chuffed and proud of the whole lot of them but particularly proud of 'my' two who completed the whole ride, 15 miles.
Sunday 6th May 2012
The day dawned bright, cool but sunny. Richard and I were first to arrive at Otley Car Park and bit by bit 8 of us turned up. Gareth was a first timer with us.
After a quick chat it was decided that, as Mike wasn't there to lead us astray, we were heading towards Bolton Abbey and then we 'would see' what happened from there.
There were eight of us out and about today. Seven quite fast people and me! So off we sprinted!!!! On the by pass on the bottom road towards Ilkley, over the river and past Nell Bank. Occasionally there was a bit of banter but not so much from me as I was, as usual, at the back.
We were soon near Bolton Abbey and Peter decided he wanted to take some photos of us on the stepping stones there. I was first across followed by Steve and then Phil. The others wimped out and crossed the bridge.
After this diversion we got back on the road and then dropped down to Cavendish Pavilion where we weren't sure what was happening but it soon become evident that it was just a toilet stop before we carried on to Burnsall.
Across the bridge and then uphill, not too bad but then we came to more of an uphill and I got a round of applause for getting there without stopping albeit behind everyone else. A steep downhill ensued and then came THE UPHILL. OMG (for want of a better phrase) I tried but failed so walked up the rest of the way as did virtually everyone else (phew). First time in four years that I have got off and pushed my bike up a hill.
After that everything was an anti-climax. Lots of lumpy bits but we got to Appletreewick without any major traumas. Here Peter Davison pulled up to point out a bench that said 'In Memory of Peter Davison' So we got a photo of him laid on it in a funereal pose.
Then we carried on to Burnsall where we stopped at the kiosk for a bite to eat and a drink. One bacon and egg butty and a cup of coffee and I was ready for off again.
The return journey was not easy but there was no great mishaps so we did well. When we got to the Ilkley by pass there was a front-runner group who totally vanished from view. Richard and Neil held back to support me and we bombed up there at 17/18 mph although the others had managed to touch 23 mph! Felt good when I finished although it did feel like more than 40 miles.
Monday 7th May
Bank Holiday Monday was quite a nice morning so we decided to go to the seaside and see if Peter's mum was in. We loaded the dogs into the back of the car, a kite and my bike.
When we got about 20 miles away from Mablethorpe I changed to wheel power. Peter and Isobel carried on their journey in the car. I thought it would be a relatively easy ride as Lincolnshire isn't renowned for it's hills however I had not thought about the coastal headwind and lack of cover along the route!
I set off fairly quickly but soon slowed down to around 11 mph. To my credit though I kept going and had a good but uneventful ride into Mablethorpe. I met up with Peter and Isobel and we went onto the beach to walk the dogs and fly the kite.
There wasn't a lot of people about and the weather was beginning to look a bit threatening but we had about an hour of flying and ball throwing before the weather took a turn for the worst. Sowe returned to the car and I got changed.
Then we visited Peter's mum and her husband Derek. A nice cup of coffee and a lot of chat later and we were off on homeward journey again.
What a lovely Bank Holiday Monday!
Saturday 5th May 2012
Today was Disabled Cycling Club day but instead of the usual messing around the park where we are based. A day was organised a little further afield - down the Spen Valley Greenway.
Bikes were loaded in various vehicles and people too. Isobel and I met them at the top of the Greenway as we don't live too far away. Bikes were allocated and checked and just before we set off Isobel's tyre popped. Richard Taylor was quick to get a new tube in there and pump it up but he then noticed the wheel was badly buckled so we swapped it for the day with the spare one that they had brought up from the container.
All bikes sorted and all people allocated to instructors we set off down the Greenway. I had James who was on a two wheeler with stabilisers and Kirsty who was on a two wheeler. Almost as soon as we had set off Kirsty had a bit of a problem with the bike and while we were sorting that out James shot off with another group so I lost him.
I chatted to Kirsty and we eventually came across Rich and Steve Farleigh trying to repair little Charlie's bike. His pedal had dropped off. I lent them some tools and set off again with Kirsty. Not long after Steve and Charlie caught me up and Steve asked if I could watch Charlie as well Kirsty.
Kirsty has balance problems and last year she was riding a trike, then progressed to a two wheeler with stabilisers and then to a two wheeler without stabilisers. So when she fell off I wasn't really surprised but she picked herself up, dusted herself down and said 'Its alright, I'm a tough cookie'
A bit later she veered into a member of the Skyride who were coming the opposite way. She was very apologetic and said she felt bad but the other person had realised it was an accident. Anyway we carried on and Charlie had a little tumble. He is only seven, doesn't have any problems but was a game little lad.
At the bottom we turned round along with Richard Tearle's group and we headed back. Charlie was beginning to lag a little but kept going. We eventually got back as far as Tesco where we all met up. This is where we all had our lunch. Charlie was going to get on the minibus but I persuaded him to do the rest of the ride.
I was so chuffed and proud of the whole lot of them but particularly proud of 'my' two who completed the whole ride, 15 miles.
Sunday 6th May 2012
The day dawned bright, cool but sunny. Richard and I were first to arrive at Otley Car Park and bit by bit 8 of us turned up. Gareth was a first timer with us.
After a quick chat it was decided that, as Mike wasn't there to lead us astray, we were heading towards Bolton Abbey and then we 'would see' what happened from there.
There were eight of us out and about today. Seven quite fast people and me! So off we sprinted!!!! On the by pass on the bottom road towards Ilkley, over the river and past Nell Bank. Occasionally there was a bit of banter but not so much from me as I was, as usual, at the back.
We were soon near Bolton Abbey and Peter decided he wanted to take some photos of us on the stepping stones there. I was first across followed by Steve and then Phil. The others wimped out and crossed the bridge.
After this diversion we got back on the road and then dropped down to Cavendish Pavilion where we weren't sure what was happening but it soon become evident that it was just a toilet stop before we carried on to Burnsall.
Across the bridge and then uphill, not too bad but then we came to more of an uphill and I got a round of applause for getting there without stopping albeit behind everyone else. A steep downhill ensued and then came THE UPHILL. OMG (for want of a better phrase) I tried but failed so walked up the rest of the way as did virtually everyone else (phew). First time in four years that I have got off and pushed my bike up a hill.
After that everything was an anti-climax. Lots of lumpy bits but we got to Appletreewick without any major traumas. Here Peter Davison pulled up to point out a bench that said 'In Memory of Peter Davison' So we got a photo of him laid on it in a funereal pose.
Then we carried on to Burnsall where we stopped at the kiosk for a bite to eat and a drink. One bacon and egg butty and a cup of coffee and I was ready for off again.
The return journey was not easy but there was no great mishaps so we did well. When we got to the Ilkley by pass there was a front-runner group who totally vanished from view. Richard and Neil held back to support me and we bombed up there at 17/18 mph although the others had managed to touch 23 mph! Felt good when I finished although it did feel like more than 40 miles.
Monday 7th May
Bank Holiday Monday was quite a nice morning so we decided to go to the seaside and see if Peter's mum was in. We loaded the dogs into the back of the car, a kite and my bike.
When we got about 20 miles away from Mablethorpe I changed to wheel power. Peter and Isobel carried on their journey in the car. I thought it would be a relatively easy ride as Lincolnshire isn't renowned for it's hills however I had not thought about the coastal headwind and lack of cover along the route!
I set off fairly quickly but soon slowed down to around 11 mph. To my credit though I kept going and had a good but uneventful ride into Mablethorpe. I met up with Peter and Isobel and we went onto the beach to walk the dogs and fly the kite.
There wasn't a lot of people about and the weather was beginning to look a bit threatening but we had about an hour of flying and ball throwing before the weather took a turn for the worst. Sowe returned to the car and I got changed.
Then we visited Peter's mum and her husband Derek. A nice cup of coffee and a lot of chat later and we were off on homeward journey again.
What a lovely Bank Holiday Monday!
Friday, 30 March 2012
18th March
Group training ride today but as it was Mother's Day everyone wanted to be home quicker so we were doing a shorter ride today.
Trouble was I was a bit late for picking up Richard and I had a soft tyre so we made a quick call to Mike to say we would meet them en route and we set off from Guiseley rather than Otley. My tyre only needed some wind so no problems there.
We rolled down into Burley in Wharfedale, along the bottom road towards Ilkley but then took the turn off across the river and waited for the others. No more than five minutes later Mike, Graham, Peter and a surprise, Phil came along. Phil had done the last Hamm ride but isn't doing this one.
So off we went past the Lido, cricket club and the golf course and then we hit the undulations. We have done this ride a lot of times so I knew what it was like. We soon got to Bolton Abbey where we usually stop for a drink and a bite to eat.
On this occasion though we stopped for a photo shoot and then back on our bikes and headed back again. Same route but when we were on the narrowest part of the country lanes an idiotic driver was speeding along and wouldn't give way even though there was nowhere for us to. He missed Richard by inches apparently. (I could tell by the swearing!)
We left the rest of the group at the bridge again and headed back towards Burley and then the long climb up to Menston and back to Guiseley. Fast ride and 26 miles done.
Trouble was I was a bit late for picking up Richard and I had a soft tyre so we made a quick call to Mike to say we would meet them en route and we set off from Guiseley rather than Otley. My tyre only needed some wind so no problems there.
We rolled down into Burley in Wharfedale, along the bottom road towards Ilkley but then took the turn off across the river and waited for the others. No more than five minutes later Mike, Graham, Peter and a surprise, Phil came along. Phil had done the last Hamm ride but isn't doing this one.
So off we went past the Lido, cricket club and the golf course and then we hit the undulations. We have done this ride a lot of times so I knew what it was like. We soon got to Bolton Abbey where we usually stop for a drink and a bite to eat.
On this occasion though we stopped for a photo shoot and then back on our bikes and headed back again. Same route but when we were on the narrowest part of the country lanes an idiotic driver was speeding along and wouldn't give way even though there was nowhere for us to. He missed Richard by inches apparently. (I could tell by the swearing!)
We left the rest of the group at the bridge again and headed back towards Burley and then the long climb up to Menston and back to Guiseley. Fast ride and 26 miles done.
15th March
Set off on my bike in a good mood this morning. It was sunny and pleasant and I had decided I was going the long route to Keighley.
First of all I was going to head up to Queensbury. When I say up it is the highest point in Bradford so it is definitely 'up'. Very nice ride up to Shelf and then I took a turn off Halifax Road and that's where the 'up' started. I soon had sweat pouring down my face. I eventually got into Queensbury and carried on up to the top of the Brighouse and Denholme Road. That is where the legs got a rest but the arms started working, on the brakes.
I got to the lights where you turn left up to Denholme (hmm all that whizzing downhill and more 'up'again). More lights, a right turn and I was heading into Denholme village. Then as I was just leaving the edge of Denholme a young guy, wearing an open shirt, earphones and no helmet suddenly passed me. He kept pedalling but I was right behind him up the hill and I shouted encouragement to him. He pulled his earphones out and we exchanged a few words. He had cycled from Halifax but he was impressed when I told him where I had cycled from (not that much further really) and where I was heading.
He turned off to Cullingworth and I carried on across more open land, moors and fields all around. Eventually all that 'up' was rewarded with lots of 'down' into Keighley.
I cycled through the town centre and headed for the roundabout where I could go on the Bingley bypass or go through the village of Riddlesden. I decided to go to the sandwich shop in Riddlesden so positioned my self accordingly at the roundabout, waited for the lights and then parrrrrrrrpppppppp! The woman in the car behind me was pointing at her head and effing and blinding at me. For what? I have no idea. I had done everything right, had waited at the lights was in the correct lane and the correct part of the lane. She cut right in front of me and came off the roundabout so I followed her.
She went into B & Q car park so I pulled up alongside her parked car and waited until she got out. I aren't aggressive and not usually confrontational and on this occasion I was only going to ask her what she surmised I had done wrong. As she got out of the car she stuck her finger right in my face and shouted 'you are not going to intimidate me!' Me intimidate her! I was sat astride my bike! So I started to ask, still politely, what I had done wrong wherein she then put the palm of her hand in my face and said she wasn't talking to me!!!! Obvious then who was in the wrong or she would have said. She then stormed off into B & Q. Silly woman!
I carried on up to the sandwich shop where I had a wonderful bacon butty and a cup of coffee. A nice chat with the owner and a little boy who came in with his mum and I was settled again.
When I set off again I decided to join the canal until I got to Shipley. That was a pleasant change from cars and silly women. Once in Shipley I left the canal and headed up to Frizinghall, which eventually drops into Manningham and then Bradford City Centre.
The last bit of real effort was up Manchester Road. Then it was back on the ring road, Tong Street and home. 35 miles done in perfect weather.
First of all I was going to head up to Queensbury. When I say up it is the highest point in Bradford so it is definitely 'up'. Very nice ride up to Shelf and then I took a turn off Halifax Road and that's where the 'up' started. I soon had sweat pouring down my face. I eventually got into Queensbury and carried on up to the top of the Brighouse and Denholme Road. That is where the legs got a rest but the arms started working, on the brakes.
I got to the lights where you turn left up to Denholme (hmm all that whizzing downhill and more 'up'again). More lights, a right turn and I was heading into Denholme village. Then as I was just leaving the edge of Denholme a young guy, wearing an open shirt, earphones and no helmet suddenly passed me. He kept pedalling but I was right behind him up the hill and I shouted encouragement to him. He pulled his earphones out and we exchanged a few words. He had cycled from Halifax but he was impressed when I told him where I had cycled from (not that much further really) and where I was heading.
He turned off to Cullingworth and I carried on across more open land, moors and fields all around. Eventually all that 'up' was rewarded with lots of 'down' into Keighley.
I cycled through the town centre and headed for the roundabout where I could go on the Bingley bypass or go through the village of Riddlesden. I decided to go to the sandwich shop in Riddlesden so positioned my self accordingly at the roundabout, waited for the lights and then parrrrrrrrpppppppp! The woman in the car behind me was pointing at her head and effing and blinding at me. For what? I have no idea. I had done everything right, had waited at the lights was in the correct lane and the correct part of the lane. She cut right in front of me and came off the roundabout so I followed her.
She went into B & Q car park so I pulled up alongside her parked car and waited until she got out. I aren't aggressive and not usually confrontational and on this occasion I was only going to ask her what she surmised I had done wrong. As she got out of the car she stuck her finger right in my face and shouted 'you are not going to intimidate me!' Me intimidate her! I was sat astride my bike! So I started to ask, still politely, what I had done wrong wherein she then put the palm of her hand in my face and said she wasn't talking to me!!!! Obvious then who was in the wrong or she would have said. She then stormed off into B & Q. Silly woman!
I carried on up to the sandwich shop where I had a wonderful bacon butty and a cup of coffee. A nice chat with the owner and a little boy who came in with his mum and I was settled again.
When I set off again I decided to join the canal until I got to Shipley. That was a pleasant change from cars and silly women. Once in Shipley I left the canal and headed up to Frizinghall, which eventually drops into Manningham and then Bradford City Centre.
The last bit of real effort was up Manchester Road. Then it was back on the ring road, Tong Street and home. 35 miles done in perfect weather.
Sunday 11th March
Well it was a much better day than the ride last week. Warm but not hot, sunny and most importantly DRY!
There was a few more of us turned up this week but still no sign of Liz or Dean. We set off from Otley then went via Pool Bridge towards Weeton but Mike had changed the route a little for interest. So instead of heading up the hill to Weeton we went back onto the main road and then dropped back in after Weeton.
We spent quite some time up and down hills on country roads and there was lots of banter between us and Peter urging me to keep up with Mike. It was a joy to be out to be honest. We arrived at the Leisure centre in York in good spirits and went in there for some lunch.
On the return journey I started lagging a bit and coming back up the Wetherby Road to Harewood I was seriously behind again. However it was great fun to go whizzing down the bank from Harewood House back to the Arthington Road.
We stopped at Pool Bridge to stretch our legs before doing the last few miles back in to Otley. Boy, my 'sitting area' ached! However 60 miles done and dusted so was really pleased with that.
There was a few more of us turned up this week but still no sign of Liz or Dean. We set off from Otley then went via Pool Bridge towards Weeton but Mike had changed the route a little for interest. So instead of heading up the hill to Weeton we went back onto the main road and then dropped back in after Weeton.
We spent quite some time up and down hills on country roads and there was lots of banter between us and Peter urging me to keep up with Mike. It was a joy to be out to be honest. We arrived at the Leisure centre in York in good spirits and went in there for some lunch.
On the return journey I started lagging a bit and coming back up the Wetherby Road to Harewood I was seriously behind again. However it was great fun to go whizzing down the bank from Harewood House back to the Arthington Road.
We stopped at Pool Bridge to stretch our legs before doing the last few miles back in to Otley. Boy, my 'sitting area' ached! However 60 miles done and dusted so was really pleased with that.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Sunday 4th March 2012
The day started out damp and miserable and just got worse.
I picked Richard up and we tootled along to Otley to meet up with whoever was going to turn up. When we got there there was Peter, Neil and Adey. So five of us in total.
We set off with the idea that we were going to do a shorter ride than was on planned, due to the weather. Before we got out of Otley I was lagging behind the rest of them and feeling cold and very damp despite the waterproof.
We went out on the old route via Castley and Weeton, towards Kirby Overblow. Lovely country lanes but not today. By the time we were nearing Kirkby Overblow I was already formulating an escape plan. Richard came alongside and I told him that once we had got to the top of the hill I was going back up to the main road and riding back to the car and would wait for him there. He said we would see what the others thought but he was of like mind.
As I started to climb the hill Peter came alongside and said Adey was suffering with the cold and that they were going to turn back when they got to the top of the hill. I told him that Richard and I had just had the same conversation.
At the top of Kirkby Overblow, we had a quick conflab to decide which way to go back but I thought Adey said 'you lot go back, I'm going on' and then Richard and I set off back. Looking back I couldn't see the other three so we waited a while at the junction to the main road. We concluded they had all decided to carry on!
As we were pedalling along the Arthington Road Neil caught up with us and said Adey had been unable to come back as he was so cold so he was going to get his car and go and pick him up and then he disappeared into the distance.
Richard stopped at the petrol station at Pool Bridge as he needed the loo and I spotted they had a coffee machine there so we stood in there trying to get warm. We were so wet that we could squeeze water out of our gloves and the chamois pads in our cycling pants we so sodden that we felt like we were wearing a very soggy nappy each. We made the lady in the petrol station laugh as we told her this.
We managed the last three miles despite the cold and wet! When we got back to the car park Peter and Neil's cars were gone but Adey's was still there.
It later transpired that Neil went back for Adey and having done tow circuits of the ride area couldn't find him. Peter had set off back on his own and had got back before us as we had stopped for a warm up in the petrol station. Adey, meanwhile, had phoned a taxi which had had to come from Harrogate. He'd asked the landlord of the pub if he could go in for a warm even though he knew the pub wasn't actually open. The landlord was lighting the log fire but refused him entry! That is totally mean.
Anyway we all survived to tell the tale! 22 miles done in all.
I picked Richard up and we tootled along to Otley to meet up with whoever was going to turn up. When we got there there was Peter, Neil and Adey. So five of us in total.
We set off with the idea that we were going to do a shorter ride than was on planned, due to the weather. Before we got out of Otley I was lagging behind the rest of them and feeling cold and very damp despite the waterproof.
We went out on the old route via Castley and Weeton, towards Kirby Overblow. Lovely country lanes but not today. By the time we were nearing Kirkby Overblow I was already formulating an escape plan. Richard came alongside and I told him that once we had got to the top of the hill I was going back up to the main road and riding back to the car and would wait for him there. He said we would see what the others thought but he was of like mind.
As I started to climb the hill Peter came alongside and said Adey was suffering with the cold and that they were going to turn back when they got to the top of the hill. I told him that Richard and I had just had the same conversation.
At the top of Kirkby Overblow, we had a quick conflab to decide which way to go back but I thought Adey said 'you lot go back, I'm going on' and then Richard and I set off back. Looking back I couldn't see the other three so we waited a while at the junction to the main road. We concluded they had all decided to carry on!
As we were pedalling along the Arthington Road Neil caught up with us and said Adey had been unable to come back as he was so cold so he was going to get his car and go and pick him up and then he disappeared into the distance.
Richard stopped at the petrol station at Pool Bridge as he needed the loo and I spotted they had a coffee machine there so we stood in there trying to get warm. We were so wet that we could squeeze water out of our gloves and the chamois pads in our cycling pants we so sodden that we felt like we were wearing a very soggy nappy each. We made the lady in the petrol station laugh as we told her this.
We managed the last three miles despite the cold and wet! When we got back to the car park Peter and Neil's cars were gone but Adey's was still there.
It later transpired that Neil went back for Adey and having done tow circuits of the ride area couldn't find him. Peter had set off back on his own and had got back before us as we had stopped for a warm up in the petrol station. Adey, meanwhile, had phoned a taxi which had had to come from Harrogate. He'd asked the landlord of the pub if he could go in for a warm even though he knew the pub wasn't actually open. The landlord was lighting the log fire but refused him entry! That is totally mean.
Anyway we all survived to tell the tale! 22 miles done in all.
Friday, 3 February 2012
January 26th
Met up with Helen and Adey today who are doing the Hamm Ride with me.
We decided to meet at Richard Dunn's car park and we knew we were on a time limit as Helen had an afternoon appointment somewhere. So we went down to the Spen Valley Greenway and had a chat as we rode. Helen spurred us on to go fast on the way down. We had a short break at the bottom and then turned round and headed up again.
It's great riding this with others as the time and distance soon passes and before we knew it we were back near the top end. Adey left us at Low Moor to weave through the streets home but Helen and I continued to the top of the Greenway and then back up Staithgate Lane which is a long uphill road.
Helen of course is faster than I am up the hills and she waited for me at the top. She then went back to Richard Dunn's and I cycled around the roads back home. So 23 miles done today for me.
We decided to meet at Richard Dunn's car park and we knew we were on a time limit as Helen had an afternoon appointment somewhere. So we went down to the Spen Valley Greenway and had a chat as we rode. Helen spurred us on to go fast on the way down. We had a short break at the bottom and then turned round and headed up again.
It's great riding this with others as the time and distance soon passes and before we knew it we were back near the top end. Adey left us at Low Moor to weave through the streets home but Helen and I continued to the top of the Greenway and then back up Staithgate Lane which is a long uphill road.
Helen of course is faster than I am up the hills and she waited for me at the top. She then went back to Richard Dunn's and I cycled around the roads back home. So 23 miles done today for me.
January 25th
Not a work day for me today so after much deliberation decided to go to aquafit (well not that much deliberation).
Fairly busy with the over 50's today (what am I saying I am over 50 now too).
Made sure I worked as hard as I could despite feeling slightly annoyed by the people who take the foam 'weights' and wave them in the air (It's not my problem, it's them that are losing out on the exercise).
Afterwards I had a good chat with Chris and then went and did 32 lengths of swimming which is half a mile in that pool. I did it in 20 minutes 30 seconds.
Fairly busy with the over 50's today (what am I saying I am over 50 now too).
Made sure I worked as hard as I could despite feeling slightly annoyed by the people who take the foam 'weights' and wave them in the air (It's not my problem, it's them that are losing out on the exercise).
Afterwards I had a good chat with Chris and then went and did 32 lengths of swimming which is half a mile in that pool. I did it in 20 minutes 30 seconds.
January 23rd
Work today but went aquarunning this evening. Boy was it busy! We have a maximum capacity of 28 and there was 27 of us there.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
January 22nd
Blood and Sand. It was windy today!!! Real 'trees at 45 degrees' type wind. I didn't think we would be going cycling today but I went to pick Richard up anyway.
As Richard was our lead rider today we went to the meeting point not expecting anyone much to turn up. When we arrived there was Peter, Neil, Graham and Helen. After a little discussion, where we were torn about whether to go or not, it was decided to do just a little ride to Harewood House cafe and back again.
We set off and it wasn't too bad going on the Arthington Road util we got to some open areas. We then turned right up towards Harewood House. Oh boy that is a killer hill. Thought I would have to stop at some point but I kept turning the pedals and managed to get to the top where the others were waiting. A quick drink and let my heart settle down to it's normal rate and we entered into Harewood's grounds. Unfortunately there is no cycle path down to the house so they wouldn't let us in so we turned tale and headed back out again.
Crossing the road we headed down the Wetherby Road where I suddenly found myself in the lead and started pedalling at a fairly rapid steady pace. After a few minutes Peter headed me off and told me Neil had lost something off his bike and could I pull in and wait. Bugger, I thought I was having it a bit easy.
Neil has only recently started using clip in pedals and he has become famous for falling off as he can't get his feet out fast enough. While we were in this layby he fell off his bike again. This time he was standing still anyway so how did he manage that? Thankfully he wasn't hurt.
So we carried on down to the end of the road after being blown into the road a few times. Then we turned towards Wetherby and reached the sanctuary of the cafe and a hot drink a piece of carrot cake, mmmmmmm!
All of a sudden there appeared another group of cyclists - good grief it was Woody and the Sports group! After a bit of banter and an exchange of stories of derring-do we set off again.
This is where the going got tough. I struggled up the hills and I was soon left behind apart from Richard who always supports the slowest rider (ie me usually). Then something strange but nice happened. We were pedalling along a country lane when a red kite bird came down to just above us and flew alongside for a little while then we saw it swoop down into the middle of the road, land and take off again about 15 feet in front of us. It was amazing! We were both chuffed to have witnessed it.
Anyway we carried on and could see nothing of the rest of the group. Coming back on Arthington Lane we got a call from Helen. They were worried about where we were and it turned out they had taken the Weeton Road so we agreed to carry on and we would see them for a debrief at the end of the ride.
The Arthington Road felt like purgatory. My legs weren't happy at all but we got back in one piece. Only 25 miles in total but in those winds it must count double!
As Richard was our lead rider today we went to the meeting point not expecting anyone much to turn up. When we arrived there was Peter, Neil, Graham and Helen. After a little discussion, where we were torn about whether to go or not, it was decided to do just a little ride to Harewood House cafe and back again.
We set off and it wasn't too bad going on the Arthington Road util we got to some open areas. We then turned right up towards Harewood House. Oh boy that is a killer hill. Thought I would have to stop at some point but I kept turning the pedals and managed to get to the top where the others were waiting. A quick drink and let my heart settle down to it's normal rate and we entered into Harewood's grounds. Unfortunately there is no cycle path down to the house so they wouldn't let us in so we turned tale and headed back out again.
Crossing the road we headed down the Wetherby Road where I suddenly found myself in the lead and started pedalling at a fairly rapid steady pace. After a few minutes Peter headed me off and told me Neil had lost something off his bike and could I pull in and wait. Bugger, I thought I was having it a bit easy.
Neil has only recently started using clip in pedals and he has become famous for falling off as he can't get his feet out fast enough. While we were in this layby he fell off his bike again. This time he was standing still anyway so how did he manage that? Thankfully he wasn't hurt.
So we carried on down to the end of the road after being blown into the road a few times. Then we turned towards Wetherby and reached the sanctuary of the cafe and a hot drink a piece of carrot cake, mmmmmmm!
All of a sudden there appeared another group of cyclists - good grief it was Woody and the Sports group! After a bit of banter and an exchange of stories of derring-do we set off again.
This is where the going got tough. I struggled up the hills and I was soon left behind apart from Richard who always supports the slowest rider (ie me usually). Then something strange but nice happened. We were pedalling along a country lane when a red kite bird came down to just above us and flew alongside for a little while then we saw it swoop down into the middle of the road, land and take off again about 15 feet in front of us. It was amazing! We were both chuffed to have witnessed it.
Anyway we carried on and could see nothing of the rest of the group. Coming back on Arthington Lane we got a call from Helen. They were worried about where we were and it turned out they had taken the Weeton Road so we agreed to carry on and we would see them for a debrief at the end of the ride.
The Arthington Road felt like purgatory. My legs weren't happy at all but we got back in one piece. Only 25 miles in total but in those winds it must count double!
Sunday, 22 January 2012
January 20th
I was going to go for a cycle ride today but I did my stupid thing again and talked myself out of it. Why?
I did have to go and buy two birthday presents though. One for my friend's son who is 18 on Sunday and one for another friend who's birthday is also Sunday.
I decided to go to an out of town place where there is a very big M & S and Asda next to each other. I got a few mega bargains in M & S but nothing really significant individually.
I did find a nice watch for Brett's 18th and it was only £15. On my way into the car park I got a terrific chest pain that didn't really go away. It didn't hurt as much as the initial pain but it was still there.
I decided to go and see the doctor on the way home but as it was only around 1.30pm there would be no doctor in until 4pm so I went home.
Thought it was prudent to rest today so that's the first day with no exercise in January.
I did have to go and buy two birthday presents though. One for my friend's son who is 18 on Sunday and one for another friend who's birthday is also Sunday.
I decided to go to an out of town place where there is a very big M & S and Asda next to each other. I got a few mega bargains in M & S but nothing really significant individually.
I did find a nice watch for Brett's 18th and it was only £15. On my way into the car park I got a terrific chest pain that didn't really go away. It didn't hurt as much as the initial pain but it was still there.
I decided to go and see the doctor on the way home but as it was only around 1.30pm there would be no doctor in until 4pm so I went home.
Thought it was prudent to rest today so that's the first day with no exercise in January.
January 19th
At last it is a no work day and what do I get up to? Nothing in particular. How annoying. I did go aquarunning this evening though so all was not lost.
January 18th
Another day at work but was office bound all day. It was okay but nothing exciting.
Just a quick walk round the block again with the dogs after work as it was parent's evening at school. So 1.5 miles again.
Today was also the seventh anniversary of my dad dying!
Just a quick walk round the block again with the dogs after work as it was parent's evening at school. So 1.5 miles again.
Today was also the seventh anniversary of my dad dying!
January 17th
Today was a busy day at work and I managed to get out to do my visits in good time. I didn't have as many as usual as they are running the visits down at the moment as I am being seconded to help with more routine work so will not be out and about visiting until April. Oh well at least I won't be out in the freezing cold.
I finished my visits early and managed to get out for a quick walk with the dogs. Just round the block which is 1.5 miles. It is my stepson, Tom's 21st today and we were going out for a meal but I had to get to Slimming World as well as have a shower before the meal.
I was chuffed to bits that I lost another 4lb this week so 9lb lost in just two weeks.
We then went out to the Aagrah for Tom's birthday meal. There were about 15 of us and Tom enjoyed his night. I didn't stick to my diet but I didn't go stupid just because it was a buffet.
I finished my visits early and managed to get out for a quick walk with the dogs. Just round the block which is 1.5 miles. It is my stepson, Tom's 21st today and we were going out for a meal but I had to get to Slimming World as well as have a shower before the meal.
I was chuffed to bits that I lost another 4lb this week so 9lb lost in just two weeks.
We then went out to the Aagrah for Tom's birthday meal. There were about 15 of us and Tom enjoyed his night. I didn't stick to my diet but I didn't go stupid just because it was a buffet.
January 16th
Working today so nothing too exciting to tell.
Went aquarunning in the evening. It's certainly getting busier in there.
Went aquarunning in the evening. It's certainly getting busier in there.
January 15th
Today was a Coach Ramble day. We were picked up in Bradford and transported to Pateley Bridge in North Yorkshire.
It was very cold, frosty but lovely and sunny - a perfect Winter's day.
We set off out of the town and straight up a hill. My legs have just about forgotten what hills are about so they did ache a bit but got there okay. The views from the top were fabulous. Everyone was well wrapped up and in good spirits. There was some interesting chatting going on.

There were three new girls on the walk and I made a point of talking to them to make them feel welcome. They all seemed very nice.
At lunchtime we stopped to eat by a derelict mining building which was down the side of a hill. However one of the guys suddenly slipped down the frosty hillside and landed awkwardly. He said he was okay but was uncomfortable when we were eating.
After lunch we set off again. The weather was being very kind to us.
One of the other guys, Peter had literally just got back from New Zealand the day before and I think the jet lag was beginning to catch up with him. Alan, who had hurt his ankle earlier was struggling too so they decided to take a shorter route back to the town.

Meanwhile we carried on with our circular work and got back into town a bit later on. It was only 8 miles in total but what a glorious day it had been.
We then went back to the coach, got changed and headed for a pub where we had a carvery meal. Being on a diet I was very good and only had a few syns.
It was very cold, frosty but lovely and sunny - a perfect Winter's day.
We set off out of the town and straight up a hill. My legs have just about forgotten what hills are about so they did ache a bit but got there okay. The views from the top were fabulous. Everyone was well wrapped up and in good spirits. There was some interesting chatting going on.
There were three new girls on the walk and I made a point of talking to them to make them feel welcome. They all seemed very nice.
At lunchtime we stopped to eat by a derelict mining building which was down the side of a hill. However one of the guys suddenly slipped down the frosty hillside and landed awkwardly. He said he was okay but was uncomfortable when we were eating.
After lunch we set off again. The weather was being very kind to us.
One of the other guys, Peter had literally just got back from New Zealand the day before and I think the jet lag was beginning to catch up with him. Alan, who had hurt his ankle earlier was struggling too so they decided to take a shorter route back to the town.
Meanwhile we carried on with our circular work and got back into town a bit later on. It was only 8 miles in total but what a glorious day it had been.
We then went back to the coach, got changed and headed for a pub where we had a carvery meal. Being on a diet I was very good and only had a few syns.
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