Saturday, 3 January 2015

Day 2 of Janathon

Blimey, only day 2 and my resolve is weakening on the exercise front.  Well not strictly true but it was blowing a hoolie out there and I didn't want to face it.  However knowing I was signed up to Janathon gave me the impetus to get out there.

I didn't really have a route or distance in mind.  It might just be round the block, I would just wing it and see how I felt.

I set off down into my village, round the bottom of the golf course and up the other side onto the main road.  I turned as if coming home but then decided I was going to continue up the hill and I might come back across the bottom of the top moor.  When I got to the place where I would enter the moor I carried on.  Wasn't feeling too bad so turned off by the bakery and dropped down to the bottom of the bottom moor (lots of bottoms in that paragraph). I then came up both moors and back home.

Not covered a great deal of distance, to some it would barely be a warm up but 2.8 miles in 27.49 keeps me on track.

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