Monday 24 January 2011

Day Twenty Four. Back to the running.

It was a work day for me but instead of parking where I normally do and walking down I had to use the car park near to my office. Today was the first day that I was actually going out visiting again as part of my job so I needed to get to my car a bit quicker.

Anyway that aside I was feeling more positive again today about exercise. So I donned my running gear and my Garmin and set off with no particular route or time in mind but still doing R2/W1. I ran around my block which takes me into the village, past the village green, the cricket club, golf club and pub and then drops me around the end of the golf course where it is very quiet and a bit lonely. It then climbs back up a hill, past some woods and up the road onto a main road, past the cemetery and rounds back onto my own road again. About a third of a mile brings me back to my house but I had only done about 18 minutes so carried on and did the circuit again.

So I did 3 miles in 39 minutes and then walked an extra minute to get home again. Woo hoo and I didn't feel like I was dying either.

Downside was that once again the Garmin hadn't picked up the satellites so no pretty graphs etc. Simon, my stepson, fiddles with it for a while and had a little walk with it and he got it to download the graphs so I have written out EXACTLY what I need to do to set it up to do what I want.


  1. Very sorry about your sister in-law.

    Glad you're feeling better today.
    Running helps clear the head. In a few ways.

  2. good on you for getting out there, as Mike says, running does clear the head.
    Take care
